Chenxiang Zhang


Welcome! I am a first-year Ph.D. student in the Security and Trust of Software Systems group at the University of Luxembourg. My research focuses on trustworthy machine learning, specifically on the robustness, distribution shifts, and privacy risks of neural networks.

Born in China and raised in Italy, I received my education at the University of Pisa in Computer Science. During my studies, I collaborated with the DAML group in Munich and interned at Amazon in Berlin. Feel free to contact me for a chat!


Charpentier, B., Zhang, C., & Günnemann, S. (2023). Training, Architecture, and Prior for Deterministic Uncertainty Methods. ICLR 2023 Workshop on Pitfalls of limited data and computation for Trustworthy ML.

Pingitore, A., Zhang, C., Vassalle, C., Ferragina, P., Landi, P., Mastorci, F., Sicaria, R., Tommasi, A., Zavattari, C., Prencipe, G., & Sîrbu, A. (2024). Machine learning to identify a composite indicator to predict cardiac death in ischemic heart disease. International Journal of Cardiology, 131981.